The Supreme Court rejected the bail plea of Qamar Gani Usmani, accused in the sensational murder case in Gujarat, for posting comments on social media against a particular religion. Bail petition was filed on behalf of Maulana Qamar Gani Usmani, accused in Kishan Bherwad murder case in Gujarat’s Dhandhuka
The High Court had flatly refused to grant bail to the accused Maulana Qamar Gani Usmani in view of the seriousness of his crime.
Kishan Bharwad of Dhandhuka, Gujarat was brutally murdered in public on 25-1-2022 for making objectionable remarks about Islam in social media. The accused in this shocking murder case, Maulana Qamar Gani Usmani, sought bail on the grounds of default that the police did not complete the investigation within 90 days, so he should be granted bail.
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