Kiara Advani recently completed seven years in Bollywood. The star celebrated the special day with her fans. She engaged in a virtual interaction with her fans across the nation to celebrate the glorious seven years. Her fans asked their favourite actress various questions related to films, her journey and much more. The star even took to social media platforms to talk about her acting journey so far. A fan quizzed the actress about the role that she would love to play in future. To which she replied, “I would love to do a biopic on Madhubala. That is a dream for sure.”

Speaking about the celebration, Around 40 fan pages across India came together to celebrate Kiara’s 7 glorious years in Bollywood. Her admirers from Delhi, Lucknow, Banglore, amongst other cities ranging from different age groups united to shower their love on Kiara.

The actress has carved her niche in the industry with her amazing performances in ‘Fugly’, ‘MS Dhoni’, ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’, ‘Lust Stories’, ‘Kabir Singh’, ‘Good Newwz’, ‘Guilty’ and ‘Indoo Ki Jawani ‘amongst others.

She has some stellar performances in her kitty. From ‘Shershaah’, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’, ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’ and Shashank Khaitan’s next amongst Kiara is one of the busiest stars in the industry today. The biographical action drama ‘Shershaah’ revolves around the life of the Kargil hero Vikram Batra. The film is slated to release on July 2, 2021.

The star was last seen in the comedy film ‘Indoo Ki Jawaani’ where she features alongside Aditya Seal and Mallika Dua.