Popular Bollywood couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani were spotted at the airport this morning as they left for a holiday for the latter’s birthday. The gorgeous Kiara celebrates her 31st birthday on July 31. The actor looked handsome in a white shirt with a gray under tee and blue baggy pants, with red-white sneakers. Sid carried a brown backpack with him. On the other hand, the gorgeous Kiara was seen holding a big pink bag in a beige-colored shirt with white tank top and matching pants.
Kiara and Sid walked hand-in-hand as they got out of their car. Also, they waved at the cameras and posed with huge smiles. Reacting to the video, one of the fans wrote, “these two are made for each other.” Another wrote, “Ohhh gawddd…they aree just cuttesttt beans!!” A third fan wrote, “Yaayyyy…Birthday weekend it is!!!!” Another commented, “Howw beautiful these two are.”
Check out the viral video below
Later, the gorgeous actress took to her Instagram stories and shared an adorable selfie with Sidharth from inside the airport. Along with the picture, she wrote, “Time to (airplane emoji).”
Take a look
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The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.