The Archies actress Khushi Kapoor recently turned heads as she attended the Dior summer 2024 show in an elegant white dress during Paris Fashion Week. On Tuesday, she gave her fans a sweet surprise as she took to her official Instagram handle to upload a series of pictures accompanied by the caption “In Paris with @dior.” Her white dress features a short neck, a fitted bodice and a flared hemline. The gorgeous Khushi styled her look with a black choker necklace, a mini bag and a pair of black pointy heels.
Her makeup look features nude eyeshadow, mascaraed lashes, winged eyeliner rosy cheeks and a shade of red lipstick. Khushi finished off her look with her hair tied up in a neat bun.
Take a look at Khushi Kapoor’s Instagram post
Reacting to her Instagram post, Janhvi Kapoor wrote, “Queen queen queen.” Shanaya Kapoor wrote, “Queen”, followed by fire emojis. Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “You look amazing.” On the other hand, Zoya Akhtar wrote, “Hello cutie.” One of her fans wrote, “You look so parisien chic my love.” Another wrote, “killed it.” A third fan wrote, “Obsessed.” Another commented, “too good.”