On Friday, the Congress strongly criticised the Modi government at the centre over the ongoing ED raid in Rajasthan. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera asked that when even the investigation agencies of the centre are caught red-handed in dealings, then who will raid them?
Khera raised questions while talking about the Jaipur case saying, “Why were ED officials Naval Kishore and his associate Babu Lal taking 15 lakh rupees?” It is worth noting that the Rajasthan Anti-Corruption Bureau had arrested Babu Lal for taking a bribe of Rs 15 lakh.
Khera said, “This is the situation for small-level officers. What will be the price of those above them, and above them, what will be the rate of the one who controls the remote of the ED? Somewhere the remote of the ED is, we also know where it is, you also know where it is. The rate list of the ED should be made public. It needs to be found out whether they take 15 lakh or 25 lakh.”
BJP’s star campaigners are ED, CBI and Income Tax: Khera
Khera said, “We release a list of our star campaigners. It tells who will campaign. But in the BJP star campaigner list, the ED, CBI, and Income Tax all are star campaigners and they are given a specific target to conduct raids and create a ruckus in the political parties. This is Prime Minister Modi’s own tool kit. There were many corrupt leaders who went to the BJP and did not take action against them. But now that they have come to Rajasthan, they will get an answer. A strategy is being made in Delhi to save corrupt officers. It is sad that the investigation agencies of our country are being misused.”
Responding to a question about the ED’s action again in Rajasthan, Khera said, “As you said, elections are being held in five states, and in two of them, Congress is there. The amazing thing is that elections were held in Himachal Pradesh just a while ago, elections were held in Gujarat.
The ED did not go to Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh to raid any minister. Because there was BJP rule. It is a rule that in non-BJP ruled states, carry out raids by the ED and create a chaotic atmosphere. This is what they are doing in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, but they are unable to get anything out. Their electoral strategy has only been to harass the government and the opposition.”