JHALAWAR: In the town of Panwar in Jhalawar district, an evening of devotional songs, known as “bhajan sandhya,” was organized in the name of Khatushyam Baba. The Shri Shyam Parivar adorned Khatushyam Baba’s shrine with exotic lotus flowers brought from Delhi. Devotees danced to the tunes of Baba Khatushyam’s hymns late into the night. The organizers shared that in front of the Central Bank in Panwar, artists decorated Khatushyam Baba’s extraordinary shrine with lotus flowers from Delhi. Later, a renowned bhajan singer from Ujjain performed songs like “O Saanware,” “Hamko Tera Sahara Hai,” and “Uddhar Karo Guru Mera,” which mesmerized the devotees, leading to a burst of dancing. The devotional atmosphere was heightened by these performances. The decoration of the shrine with lotus flowers from Delhi remained the central attraction.
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