KOLKATA: After BJP MP Shantanu Thakur left all WhatsApp groups on Tuesday, actor-turned MLA Hiran Chatterjee followed suit on Wednesday. According to sources, there is an open rift between the Kharagpur Sadar Assembly MLA and Medinipur MP and BJP national vice-president Dilip Ghosh.
In the last Assembly elections, actor Hiran won from Kharagpur Sadar. According to sources, since then he has been facing pressure in his constituency. It is believed that the MLA was cornered by Ghosh’s followers.
All this made the MLA angry for a long time. Not only that, he went to Delhi and repeatedly informed the national party leaders about this, according to a source close to Hiran. But, nothing much has changed. Therefore, Hiran decided to leave the Bengali BJP group. No response has been received from the MLA in this regard yet.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.