On the 139th Foundation Day of the Congress, the flag was ceremoniously hoisted at the headquarters of the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee. The party organised various social programs at district and block levels across the state to commemorate the occasion. Addressing the media after the event, former Food Minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas criticised the BJP government’s announcement of distributing gas cylinders for 450.
Khachariyawas pointed out that the BJP pledged to provide cylinders for 450 to Ujjwala scheme and BPL beneficiaries starting January 1. Under the Indira Gandhi LPG scheme, the Congress was offering cylinders for 500. During the elections, the BJP promised cylinders at 450, which was 50 cheaper than the Congress. Khachariyawas insisted that, given the BJP’s victory and significant promise, all women should now receive a gas cylinder for 450. While demanding a reduction in petrol and diesel prices, Khachariyawas highlighted that it was a crucial election issue.