A key accused in the Jahangirpuri violence was arrested from West Bengal’s East Medinipur, said the Delhi police on Thursday. The accused has been identified as Farid alias Neetu, who is one of the prime conspirators and executors of Mohammad Ansar who was arrested earlier in the case. According to the police, the team was chasing him for the past two weeks. A number of hideouts were raided in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Several teams of Special Cell and Crime Branch who were deployed in West Bengal arrested him on Thursday from his aunt’s village.
The accused had fled from the spot after the Jahangirpuri violence. Since then, he had been changing his locations and moving across West Bengal, Delhi police said. Farid, 34, already had six cases against his name including that of robbery, snatching, burglary, and under the Arms Act, since 2010 and he is a history-sheeter in the Jahangirpuri area, said the police. The police have arrested 30 individuals in connection with the case including three juveniles who were sent to a correc
tion home in Delhi.
Earlier on Friday morning, the Delhi Police arrested two more persons on Thursday, in connection with the Jahangirpuri violence that took place in Delhi on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on 16 April 2022. The persons arrested, identified as Jafar and Babuddin are brothers, and are well known to the prime accused of the violence, Mohammad Ansar and played a major role in the violence. During the Shobha Yatra on the day of the violence, the duo was accused of attacking the procession with glass bottles and brandishing their swords in the air. Earlier on Saturday, Delhi’s Rohini Court granted an eight-day custody to the five accused, namely Ansar, Salim alias Chikna, Ahir, Dilshad, and Sonu alias Imam and sent them to police remand till 1 May. After invoking the National Security Act (NSA) against the other four accused of the violence—Aksar, Mohd. Ali, Gulam Rasul alias Gulli and Sheikh Hamid—were sent to the judicial custody. They are to be produced before court .
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