Three people, including an infant, were discovered dead on a railway track near Elathur in Kerala’s Kozhikode district on Sunday night, following an incident in which a man allegedly poured petrol on co-passengers and set fire to one of them, injuring at least eight others, railway officials said on Monday. According to the officials, the man set fire to a passenger allegedly after an argument on board the Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express train near Elathur in Kozhikode district on Sunday night. The suspect, who is yet to be identified, escaped after passengers pulled the emergency chain.
“Mattannoor native Rahmath, her sister’s two-year-old daughter and Noufal were found dead near the railway track,” said an official from the Railway Protection Force (RPF).
Forensic experts have reached the spot and a police investigation is underway.
According to railway sources, the incident took place in the D1 coach of the Alappuzha Kannur Main Executive Express train around 10:00 pm on April 2.
Reportedly, there was an argument during which a man poured petrol and set on fire one of his co-passengers. Other passengers who attempted to douse the fire ended up with burn injuries. Those injured included three women.
“Anilkumar from Thalasseri, his wife Sajisha, their son Advait, Ruby from Kannur and Prince from Thrissur, are among the passengers who were injured,” sources said.
The train was halted at Elathur, and railways authorities were informed about the incident.”All eight passengers with burn injuries have been transferred to hospitals, and the train has been dispatched to its destination after necessary inspection,” Railway Protection Force (RPF) officials said.
More information is awaited.
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