As many as 30 people suffered food poisoning after consuming food from two restaurants at Varkala in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday. Following the incident, the food safety department sealed the restaurants New Spicy Multi-cuisine Foodbay and its sister concern Elephant Eatery, located at Temple Road near Varkala taluk hospital, after serving them notice.
A total of 22 people were admitted to the taluk hospital, while the remaining eight were admitted to Sivagiri Sree Narayana Guru Mission Hospital. However, none of them are in a critical condition.
“Though the victims are still symptomatic, their condition is stable. They are kept under observation and will be discharged after two or three days,” sources in the taluk hospital said.
The squad collected samples from the restaurant, and officials stated that the lab results will come within five days. This is the second time food poisoning was reported from the New Spicy Multi-cuisine Foodbay restaurant. The previous incident occurred in March this year, during which nearly 100 people suffered food poisoning. Although food safety officials shut down the restaurant and served a notice then, it was reopened later.
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