Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has extended help to Telangana, in view of the floods in various districts of the state. He has announced Rs 15 crore to the Government of Telangana for its relief efforts. Leading stars of the Telugu films industry, popularly known as Tollywood, have also come forward to announce their contributions for relief works in Hyderabad and other flood-hit parts of Telangana.
“Flood have caused havoc in Hyderabad. People of Delhi stand by our brother and sisters in Hyderabad in this hour of crisis. Delhi govt will donate Rs 15 cr to the Govt of Telangana for its relief efforts,” Kejriwal tweeted.
Telangana CM K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) has thanked Delhi CM for the donation of Rs. 15 crore for the rescue and relief operations in Hyderabad.
KCR spoke to Kejriwal over the phone and thanked him for the generous help. Tamil Nadu has announced Rs 5 crore and West Bengal announced Rs 2 crore financial assistance to Telangana.
Telangana CM has asked the top industrialists to donate generously to Telangana since the rain damage is so high. Financial help has also come from the eminent personalities of the South India’s film industry. Mahesh Babu, Chiranjeevi, JR NTR and more have come forward in these difficult times.
“The unprecedented rains in Hyderabad have caused massive devastation, loss of lives and extreme hardship to thousands. My heart goes out to those affected by nature’s fury. I’m humbly donating Rs 1 cr to CM Relief Fund,” tweeted Chiranjeevi.
Popular star Mahesh Babu also came forward to donate Rs 1 crore to the CM Relief Fund. “Contributing Rs 1 crore towards the CM relief fund of Telangana. I urge all of you to come forward and donate towards the cause. Let’s stand by our people during these difficult times,” he tweeted.
Bigboss host and veteran actor Nagarjuna contributed 50 lakh rupees to the CM relief fund. Another leading actor Junior NTR, who is nephew of ex-CM Chandrababu Naidu, also announced a donation of Rs 50 lakh.
“Many lives in Hyderabad have been devastated by the rains and floods. I am contributing Rs 50 lakh to the Telangana CM Relief Fund towards the rehabilitation of our city. Let us all chip in and rebuild our Hyderabad”, he said.
Young actor and Arjun Reddy fame Vijay Deverakonda announced a contribution of Rs 10 lakh to the CM Relief Fund.
KCR announced a financial package of Rs 550 crore for the flood-hit people in low-lying areas of Hyderabad. He estimated the loss at Rs 5000 crores.
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