Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convener Arvind Kejriwal will be on a one-day visit to Chandigarh today. He will interact with the media to make big announcements about Punjab, sources said. Disclosing this here on Monday, AAP state president and Lok Sabha Member Bhagwant Mann said that Arvind Kejriwal would also announce services for the people of Punjab on the lines of facilities being provided to the people of Delhi. He said that Arvind Kejriwal could also promise to provide free electricity to the people of Punjab and to save them from the costly electricity at present.
Mann said that at present every section of society is suffering due to inflation but women are the worst affected. Arvind Kejriwal would release his plan to provide more facilities to women and arrangements for their savings, he added.
“Captain Amarinder Singh-led Congress government of Punjab had failed to provide facilities to the people due to which every section was feeling cheated,” Mann said.
“Paddy sowing was in full swing, but due to non-availability of electricity to the farmers, they were not sowing their paddy properly. Kejriwal will also present his formula for overcoming the power crisis in Punjab,” Mann concluded.
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