Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia interacted with students of the Delhi government schools, who have performed outstandingly well in the NEET-JEE. Lauding students for their commendable performance, Kejriwal said that the students who have gotten into IITs and have secured top ranks in NEET-JEE must become a role model for the entire government education system. Sisodia said that ‘Shikshit Rashtra, Samarth Rashtra’ is the dream of the Delhi government, and said that all passing students must take the responsibility of guiding their juniors about NEET-JEE. This week, the Chief Minister had announced that around 569 students from schools run by the Delhi government qualified for the exam, out of which 379 are girls. “Around 443 students from government schools cleared JEE Mains and 53 have qualified for JEE Advanced and have secured a seat in IITs,” according to a release from Chief Minister’s Office.