HYDERABAD: Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao landed in Delhi on a three-day visit and met Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday. The Chief Minister will meet the Union ministers in the national capital and discuss several long-pending issues pertaining to the state. Besides, meeting Union Ministers Gajendra Singh Shekawat and Harideep Singh on Saturday, the CM will visit the site allocated by the central government to set up the TRS party office in the national capital. The CM will try to get an appointment to meet PM Narendra Modi. Rao is also likely to meet two other Union ministers Nirmala Sitharaman and Nitin Gadkari.

On the other hand, AICC Spokesperson Sravan Dasoju urged KCR to stage a protest in front of PM Modi’s residence in Delhi, if he had serious concern about the farmer issues. He further stated that Thursday’s KCR letter supporting PM Modi on the Central Vista project is yet another best example of the TRS and the BJP collusion. “They fight in the streets of Hyderabad but, they are friends in four walls of a room in Delhi”, Dr Sravan fired. He suspects that the Telangana Chief Minister might be meeting PM Modi to finalise a secret deal in this regard or wonder if KCR would tender apologies to PM Modi for their dharna against anti-farmer bills.

Dr Sravan Dasoju asked the ruling TRS to immediately enact the farmer-friendly legislation in the state assembly to prove its sincerity, if it had any moral right to stand in solidarity with the agitating farmers. He suggested the party to follow the Punjab government which has shown the new way to the whole country by bringing three agriculture bills negating the controversial Central government’s anti-farmer agriculture laws.