Kathmandu Mayor Balen Shah on Sunday shared an official announcement on social media and revealed that all Indian movies including Prabhas starrer Adipurush have been banned. Balen Shah threatened to ban Indian films in Kathmandu owing to the incorrect reference to Sita’s birthplace in the film. He expressed disappointment with the dialogue ‘Janaki is a daughter of India’ and said that she was born in Nepal. Also, he shared a note written in Nepali.
Have a look
The film was released in theatres on June 16 and since then it has been hitting headlines for all the wrong reasons. Social media users have been criticizing the film for its poor YFX and dialogues.
On Sunday, writer Manoj Muntashir revealed that he and Om Raut will make changes in Adipurush and revise the dialogues that have hurt sentiments. A part of his note read, “I and the producer-director of the film have decided that some of the dialogue which are hurting you, we’ll revise them, and they’ll be added to the film this week. May Shri Ram bless you all.”
Meanwhile, the film had another big day at the box office yesterday, as it collected Rs. 69 crores on Sunday, to finish its weekend at Rs. 224 crores. The first weekend is the fouth highest ever in India.
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