The debutant Kartikeya Sharma’s victory in Rajya Sabha elections is being considered a boost to the ruling BJP in Haryana by political observers. The RS victory of iTV Network’s founder, Sharma, is also being seen as a setback to disgruntled elements in the BJP leadership.
It is a well-known fact that several senior leaders continue to criticise the policies of the BJP, publicly or internally, adding to party woes. Both the BJP party high command and state leadership have warned such leaders and made efforts to bring them around. But these leaders have not changed their stance.
Recently, Arvind Sharma, BJP MP from Rohtak, said to be upset with the party, took on the party over an issue, tarnishing its image in the state. Besides, some other disgruntled leaders are also under scanner, said sources in the party.
Political observers are of the opinion that Sharma’s RS win has sent a clear and strong message to Sharma that the iTV founder, who also hails from the Brahmin community, could be a good substitute for him. His father Venod Sharma, former Union minister, is a bigwig in state politics and has a strong hold over Brahmin voters across the state.
Rao Inderjit Singh, a BJP MP from Gurugram and a Union minister, is also among those disgruntled leaders upset leaders, who has put the party in tough situations several times. Rao has a strong hold in southern Haryana.
Likewise, Brijendra Singh, MP from Hisar and a son of former Union minister, is also believed to be upset with the BJP for a long time. It became evident from his statements during the farmers’ agitation against the three agricultural laws, causing more troubles for the party. In view of the latest developments, the party is mulling over its options. In such situation, Kartikeya Sharma’s role as a young and Brahmin leader would strengthen the party and help cut such leaders to size in times to come.