NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan, who was recently speculated to have been ousted of filmmaker Anand L Rai’s upcoming film, on Friday created a sensation among fans by posting a picture of himself in a new mysterious look on social media.The actor took to his Twitter handle and along with the photo tweeted, “Aa raha hai kuch ALAG SA. Take a Guess.” In the photo, the 30-year-old could be seen standing in front of a graphical backdrop, while wearing an overcoat and holding something like a shaft in his hand. Though Kartik’s face was hidden in the dark, his long hair was clearly visible. The foreground of the photo had the date 20.06.21. Coming back to his work front, Kartik recently completed 10 years in Bollywood with his debut film ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama’ and will next be seen in ‘Dhamaka’ which has been directed by Ram Madhvani. The film will follow a news anchor reporting a hard-hitting incident of a bomb blast in real-time. Kartik’s character will be subjected to circumstances grappling him between tough choices, abidance to his career, or awakening the humanist within. Apart from ‘Dhamaka’, Kartik will also be seen in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’. Earlier, he also made headlines when reports speculated that the makers of ‘Dostana 2’ dropped him from the film.


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