Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan took to his official Instagram handle and shared a picture with Kabir Khan as he began shooting for his next Chandu Champion. In the picture, Kartik can be seen pointing at Kabir who is holding a clapboard. It shows scene 180, take 1, and shot 1. Along with the picture, the actor penned a heartwarming note. He wrote, “Good start (in Hindi). And the most challenging and exciting journey of my career begins..with the captain [Kabir Khan] [Chandu Champion] [Sajid Nadiadwala] [Nadiadwala Grandson] [Warda Khan S Nadiadwala].”
Take a look at Kartik Aaryan’s Instagram post
Reacting to his post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “full power to you champ.” Another wrote, “Chandu will win everyone’s heart like Sattu Did.” A third user wrote, “Good luck.” A fourth user wrote, “Damnn you and Kabir Khan sir look so alike.” A fifth user wrote, “Best of luck koki.” For the unversed, the film is ready to depict a remarkable real-life story of a sportsman and his never-give-up spirit. It is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and will be released on Eid al-Adha 2024.
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