Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai urged the youth in the state to join the state government in its war against narcotics, adding that the strictest punishment will be given to those selling drugs in and around college campuses and those using them.

He was speaking after launching a state-wide campaign against narcotics organised by the Home Department of the state government in collaboration with a Kannada news daily. “Karnataka would be completely freed from the drug menace with cooperation from the youth,” he said.

“Energy is another name for the youth,” Bommai added and called upon the youth to harness this energy to build a bright future for themselves and bring laurels for the state.

Emphasizing the need to eradicate the drug menace from the state, he said that he had instructed the police to install CC cameras around all prominent colleges. “Similarly CC cameras should be installed within the college campuses and hostels too.”

Karnataka has declared a war against drugs. State tops the country in the quantity of drugs seized and destroyed. “We will wage a relentless war against drugs. Some foreign nationals staying in Bengaluru have been found to be engaged in drug peddling. Stringent action is being taken against them. NDPS act is being used to crush the drug menace. Dark Web has been penetrated for the first time in Karnataka. Drug supply from abroad is being prevented,” Bommai said.

He urged the youth to register themselves to be part of the campaign against drugs. The Chief Minister termed those involved in the narcotics business as traitors and assured that they would be dealt with sternly.