Siddaramaiah, the chief minister of Karnataka, arrived in Delhi late on Tuesday night amidst the ongoing Cauvery River water-sharing dispute. Prior to a meeting that is scheduled to take place today and will be attended by MPs and ministers from his state of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah arrived in the capital. In addition to the Cauvery dispute, state projects that are pending before the central government and issues with drought relief will be covered.
Ahead of tomorrow’s crucial meeting, the Karnataka government’s special representative in Delhi, TB Jayachandra, has already arrived in New Delhi and is holding preliminary talks at Karnataka Bhavan. Members of the state’s Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, as well as Union ministers who represent Karnataka, will be present at the meeting. Siddaramaiah, the chief minister of Karnataka, stated earlier in the week that the state is unable to release water to Tamil Nadu, which is located next door, in accordance with the Supreme Court’s directive.
“We have faced a severe deficit of rain in August compared to the previous 100 years. We don’t have water, that’s why we are not in a position to release water as per the SC order,” Siddaramaiah said speaking to reporters after an All-Party Meeting on the Cauvery water dispute.
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