Ahead of the state assembly elections in 2023, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai is expected to meet Bharatiya Janata Party National President JP Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi. On Monday evening Karnataka CM Bommai will fly to Delhi and the meeting will be also attended by BJP In-charge and party’s national general secretary Arun Singh and Union Minister Prahlad Joshi. Reportedly Bommai is expected to raise the proposal to increase reservations for Scheduled Castes to 17 percent from 15 percent and Scheduled Tribes to 7 percent from 3 percent.
Saif Ali Khan, injured in a stabbing incident, was taken to the hospital in an…
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Saif Ali Khan, recovering from stab wounds, expresses gratitude to fans and doctors after multiple…
A recent Lancet Global Commission report calls for an overhaul of how obesity is diagnosed,…
Obesity and overeating are global health crises, with millions of people struggling to maintain healthy…