In the Mandya district of Karnataka, four people were discovered dead after their car fell into the Vishweshwaraya Canal, according to police reports from Sunday. Sanjana (17), Mamatha (45), Mahadevamma (55), and Rekha (36), according to Superintendent of Police (SP) Mandya N Yatish, were among the deceased. The car apparently fell into the Vishweshwaraya Canal close to Gamanahalli Village in the Mandya district, according to the official. The Arakere Police Station has received a case regarding the incident, the official continued.
Further investigation into the matter is underway.
Vishweshwaraya Canal is one of the major canals that originates at the KRS reservoir on the Cauvery River.
The canal is a major irrigation project that facilitates water for the Mysore and Mandya Districts of Karnataka.
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