Members of pro-Kannada organizations protesting the Cauvery river water dispute near Attibele in Karnataka were detained by Bengaluru police on Friday. At the Tamil Nadu border town of Zuzuvadi, vehicles bearing Tamil Nadu registration plates were stopped. Numerous buses from different districts in Tamil Nadu are stuck in Hosur because police have stopped them from continuing. Pro Kannada Organization staged a protest at the border earlier that morning.
After the Cauvery Regulatory Committee (CWRC) ordered the release of 3000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu, farmer unions and pro-Kannada organizations have called for a Karnataka Bandh today. Many demonstrators could be seen holding signs declaring their ownership of the Cauvery River. According to the police, more than 50 members of the organizations have been detained in order to preserve law and order during the bandh call.
“We have made proper arrangements as a bandh has been called by several pro-Kannada organisations. More than 50 people from the organisations have been taken into custody… We have sufficient staff and we will make sure nothing goes wrong,” Additional Superintendent of Police of Bengaluru Rural Mallikarjun Baladandi said.
Following the protests and Bandh call, less number of passengers were seen at metro stations.
Commercial markets in Cubbonpet and Cottonpete have completely closed their doors in support of the Cauvery agitation. At the KIAL airport, pro-Kannada protesters were also detained after some of them tried to stop cars near the entrance. The district deputy commissioner for Bengaluru City, KA Dayananda, has also declared Friday a holiday for all local schools and colleges. Due to the “Karnataka Bandh” call made by numerous farmer organizations regarding the Cauvery water dispute, all schools and colleges in Mandya and Bengaluru will be closed on Friday.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.