Talking a walk down the memory lane, actor Kareena Kapoor on Monday celebrated 13 years of her Shahid Kapoor co-starrer Jab We Met and shared a throwback picture from the film sets. The picture features Kareena, Shahid and Imtiaz Ali. The snap is from the shooting of hit number “Nagada Nagada Baja” from the film in which Shahid is seen dressed in a Black kurta, while Kareena looks drop-dead gorgeous in pastel-shaded traditional attire. Looking back at the picture, Kareena captioned the post as, “Mujhe toh lagta hai life mein jo kuch insaan real mein chahta hai, actual mein, usse wohi milta hai (I feel that in life, what a person wants in real, in actuality, the person gets it).”