Kareena Kapoor Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan on Wednesday announced that they are expecting their second child. The actors, who tied the knot in October 2012, are parents to 3-year-old son, Taimur Ali Khan.

Saif has two children from his first wife, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. Announcing the news, the couple released a statement that said, “We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family !! Thank you to all our wellwishers for all their love and support- Saif and Kareena.”

 Kareena and Saif are not the only parents who are expecting a baby during the Covid-19 lockdown. Lately, a lot of people have been announcing lockdown pregnancies, which has led to the coining of a new term — coronials. And Saif and Kareena’s baby will also be a coronial.

During a chat show in 2018, on being asked about having more kids, Kareena said- ‘After two years’ and with this good news coming in, looks like she’s lived up to her promise! Kareena’s last movie Good News is a comedy film with the fresh subject of a pregnancy switcheroo.