The gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan was recently spotted in Mumbai wearing a casual-comfy outfit, comprising a grey T-shirt and straight, denim blue jeans. The video of the actress was shared by Bollywood Pap on Instagram. The viral video shows the actress stepping out of her car. Bebo donned a comfy, grey T-shirt featuring white prints and letters in bold. The actress teamed up her outfit with a pair of baggy and straight, blue denim jeans, rounding off her day-out look with black sunglasses and brown boots.

Bebo sported a no-makeup look, flaunting her flawless skin and keeping her wavy tresses open.

Check out the viral video below

Reacting to the viral video, one of the fans wrote, “Elegance and beauty personified.” Another wrote, “Wow Bebo, looking very sexy.”

Excited about her first-ever film on OTT, Kareena said in a statement, “I am excited to be coming on Netflix with a very special project. After 23 years, this feels like a new launch and I have the jitters of a new-comer! Audiences will see me in a role I have never played before, with a story that is so unique and thrilling. Netflix has always showcased films from different parts of the world in the most authentic manner, backing artists who love what they do and giving them a platform to reach 190 countries! I am looking forward to seeing the viewers react to a role that I believe is one of my best!”