The gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan took to her official Instagram handle and shared a picture enjoying the occasion of Friendship Day with a unique best friend. Instead f celebrating Friendship Day with her girl gang, she was clicked enjoying some delicious spaghetti alone. In the picture, Bebo can be seen sitting in a restaurant. The talented actress looked beautiful in her casual clothes. In the picture, she was busy eating her tomato spaghetti. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Happy Friendship Day my (heart emoji) You truly know how to make me feel the happiest with each bite… Spaghetti Girl foreva.. #Any spaghetti girls out there? You know what I feel?”
Take a look at Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Instagram post
Reacting to her post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “I love spaghetti and u.” Another wrote, “Yes with extra tomato sauce and loads of crushed Chilli flakes.” A third user wrote, “The best Friendship with Spaghetti.” One of the users even wrote, “It’s amazing to see how unfiltered you show yourself. Beautiful!” Another commented, ““She loves food like how we love food.”
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