When Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan had welcomed her first child, a baby boy, with Saif Ali Khan in 2016, his name Taimur became a huge topic of debate on social media. At Express Adda in Mumbai, the talented actress recalled, “I don’t think any mother or any child has to go through that. What was the reason… I still don’t really get it, because nobody is meant to offend anyone or do anything. I think we have freedom of speech, freedom of what we want to do, at least both Saif and me believe that very strongly.”

Bebo then revealed that Taimur was actually the name of Saif’s first childhood friend. “When we came up with the name… Saif actually said… He grew up with a neighbour friend, and he always really liked his name and his name was Taimur, so he said, ‘You know, if I have a son, he was my first friend. I’d like to name him Taimur’, and that’s exactly how Taimur was named, because he was Saif’s first friend when he was living in town here.”

She continued, “It has no sort of take or resemblance to anything or anyone. It’s not even the same name.” The actress said, “I got into a bit of a shock when this happened. But luckily, I think because of us being strong and resilient and silent, I think it just kind of died down. He was the most photographed child for what reason I have no idea.”



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