MUMBAI: Bollywood stars Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan on Sunday welcomed a baby boy. The actress gave birth at Bridge Candy Hospital in Mumbai. Kareena was taken to the hospital on Saturday evening. Saif and Kareena are already parents to 4-year-old Taimur. In an official statement issued by Saif, he said, “We have been blessed with a baby boy. Mom and baby are safe and healthy. Thank you to our well-wishers for their love and support.” Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, the cousin of Kareena, took to her Instagram Story and penned down a congratulatory message to Kareena and Saif as they welcomed a baby boy. She noted alongside a picture with Kareena and cousins, “Congratulations Bebo and Saif, It’s a boy.” Celebrity fashion designer and close friend of Kareena Manish Malhotra took to his Instagram Story and congratulated the couple.