The fate of BJP candidate Surendrapal Singh Titi and Congress candidate Rupindra Singh Kooner on the Shrikaranpur assembly seat in Sriganganagar district will be sealed in the EVMs on Friday. Voters can cast their votes from 7 am to 6 pm.
Both the BJP and Congress have put their full efforts to win this seat. Senior leaders of both parties were actively involved in campaigning for their respective candidates. The State Election Department has completed preparations for the suspended elections in the Karanpur constituency.
On Thursday morning, voting teams from Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government College in Sriganganagar were given the third and final training before being sent out. In the Karanpur assembly constituency, there are a total of 249 polling centres.
Chief Election Officer Praveen Gupta informed that there are 37 polling centres in the urban area and 212 in the rural area. Webcasting will be arranged at 125 polling centres. There are 2,40,826 voters in the Karnpur assembly constituency, including 1,25,850 males, 1,14,966 females, and 10 transgender voters. There are 180 service voters registered.
He also said that 24 sector officers have been deployed for the Karanpur assembly constituency, along with 10 reserves. Additionally, 2 area magistrates have been assigned to Karanpur and Padampur.