Karan Johar unveiled the title of Alia Bhatt and Vasan Bala’s film. He took to his official Instagram handle and revealed that Alia’s first film with Vasan Bala is titled Jigra and also launched the first look. The clip begins with a quote which reads: “The paradox of courage is that one must be a little careless of life in order to keep it.” It then proceeds to show the gorgeous actress with a bag on her shoulder. Alia is standing in the streets of what seems to be Japan. A voice over by the actress is played in the background. In the caption of his Instagram post, the filmmaker wrote, “The return of…my #Jigra, @aliaabhatt once again on this exceptional story helmed by @vasanbala. A story of unbreakable love & unshakable courage! JIGRA – in cinemas on 27th September 2024.”
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