Bollywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar shared a lengthy note about punctuality on Instagram. KJo seemed to be schooling someone who had recently upset him for being late. He shared: “SO….The wonderful thing about Punctuality is that it doesn’t require a natural talent, a degree or even a parental or an employers sanction…. It’s NOT an art from that we inherit through generations …. It’s simple basic manners….respect for other people’s time and therefore respecting them as well…. Pure unadulterated respect…”
Take a look at Karan Johar’s Instagram post
Further, he added: “Landing up 15 minutes late without a murmur of an apology or an apology or an overcompensating happy visage reeks of entitlement and defensiveness…. Messaging “on my way”… Doesn’t get you off the hook either… “On my way”…. So??? You are meant to be… you ain’t doing me any favours honey! And you sending me this message sans details is as ambiguous as a Nolan film…Then the worst! “oh I forgot!!!!” why MR president???? Running a country that keeps you so busy??? Then the ever poplar one… “too much traffic”…. Do you live in New Zealand??? No this is INDIA…. Check the populations status baby! We are densely populated … So here’s what you do…… LEAVE EARLY!!!!! The very very worst one is when they don’t show up and don’t even send a message with a grovelling apology! This last sect of time offenders must me struck off your list forever……#saynototardy.”
Reacting to his post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Why can’t he message directly to that person?” Another wrote, “True!! It’s such a weird passive-aggressive post.” A third user wrote, “Don’t let Shah Rukh see this.”
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