Bollywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar has often been subjected to trolling for his sexual orientation. KJo gets candid about the same in a new interview. In a promo of a new show ‘Be A Man, Yaar!’ by Yuvaa, the filmmaker tells host Nikhil Taneja, “Today what you call ‘gay,’ ‘fag’ or ‘homo’… said in a derogatory tone. It was called ‘Pansy’ in those days, and it was a word that had really pushed me into a shell.” The promo has received a positive response from netizens for “healthy discussions.”
Earlier, KJo talked about how he had a problem with people making the ‘gay’ word sound “bad”. “Every morning I wake up to abuse and it amuses me,” he told Arbaaz Khan on his web show Pinch. “It is my prerogative to talk about my life, my sexuality, my orientation. It is up to me. What I have a problem with is that there’s a level of homophobia and that really bothers me because that’s to me is sick. I mean you can talk about what you think my sexuality is, that is your prerogative, but if you are commenting and making gay sound bad that’s when I have a problem because that means you have a sick mind, an uninformed mind, and an uneducated thought process.”
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