Renowned veteran Kannada film director SK Bhagawan passed away this morning. He was 89 and the cause of death is suspected to be an age-related illness. Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai took to Twitter to confirm the news and express grief over the demise. Born on July 5, 1933, Bhagawan began performing in theatre plays at an early age alongside Hirannaiah Mithra Mandali. He debuted by co-directing ‘Jedara Bale’ (1968) with Dorai Raj under the moniker Dorai-Bhagavan. In the following years, the duo directed many films such as ‘Kasturi Nivasa,’ ‘Eradu Kanasu’, ‘Bayaludaari’, ‘Gaalimaatu’, ‘Chandanada Gombe’, ‘Hosa Belaku’ and more. After Dorai Raj passed away, Bhagawan took a long break from directing. He made a comeback with Aduva Gombe which was his 50th directorial venture at the age of 85.
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