NEW DELHI: Kangana Ranaut, who was busy shooting for her upcoming outing ‘Tejas’, has completed its Rajasthan schedule of the film. Kangana also shared that they shot very close to the Pakistan border.
The actress took to Instagram on Friday to share a behind-the-scenes picture from the shoot of her forthcoming film. An elated Kangana wrote, “Team #Tejas successfully completed Rajasthan schedule today, also shot very close to Pakistan border.”
She also shared that the crew faced many obstacles like extreme weather conditions while shooting close to the Pakistan border.
“It seemed as if our commander in chief @sarveshmewara was driven by otherworldly force. Salutations team #Tejas,” added Kangana.
She will be seen playing an air force pilot in the movie, which has been written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara. The film is being bankrolled by RSVP Movies. The Indian Air Force was the first of the country’s defence forces to induct women into combat roles in 2016. The film takes inspiration from this landmark event.
Kangana will also be seen in ‘Thalaivi’. She has ‘Dhaakad’ and ‘Manikarnika Returns: The Legend Of Didda’ in the pipeline. Kangana has signed up to play the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in an upcoming political drama.