Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut held a meeting with BJP National President JP Nadda on Sunday at his residence in Shastri Nagar, Kullu. The meeting has sparked speculation about Kangana’s potential entry into politics, with discussions suggesting her candidacy in the Mandi parliamentary constituency for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The meeting between Kangana Ranaut and JP Nadda lasted for about an hour, fueling rumours of her political foray. Sources indicate that discussions about Kangana’s potential candidacy from the Mandi parliamentary constituency were part of the deliberations.
Kangana Ranaut, who recently attended a social media meet organized by the World Dialogue Center in Bilaspur, returned to her residence in Manali. Upon learning about the presence of BJP’s National President in Kullu, she promptly visited his residence in Shastri Nagar. The meeting is believed to have delved into political matters, marking a potential shift in Kangana’s career trajectory.