Kangana Ranaut’s ambitious project, “Emergency,” which she has written, directed, and produced, is scheduled to be released on June 14, 2024. This grand period drama explores one of the most controversial periods in post-Independence Indian history, from 1975 to 1977, when then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a nationwide state of emergency, leading to curtailed civil liberties and press freedom, as well as canceled elections.
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As reported by the news agency PTI, Kangana Ranaut stated, “‘Emergency’ is my most ambitious project and second directorial post-‘Manikarnika.’ We have the best of Indian and international talent coming together for this big-budget, grand period drama.” Initially planned for release on November 24, 2023, the film’s new release date is June 14, 2024.
The cast includes Kangana Ranaut portraying Indira Gandhi, alongside Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik. The film aims to unravel the story behind India’s darkest hour and present Indira Gandhi as the most feared and fiercest Prime Minister. Audiences are invited to witness history come alive in cinemas on June 14, 2024.