The gorgeous Kangana Ranaut took to her official Instagram handle and shared glimpses of her sister-in-law, Riti Ranaut’s ‘GodBharai’ ceremony. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “Sharing some precious moments from Ritu Ranaut’s godbharai..Our hearts are full and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Ranaut..thanks for all your well-wishes and blessings.”
In the pictures, the actress looked stunning in a pink saree with a choker necklace.
Meanwhile, talking about Kangana’s work front, she will be next seen in the upcoming period film ‘Emergency’ in which she will be seen portraying the role of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
‘Emergency’ marks her first solo-directorial film. The film also casts Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhry, Vishak Nair, and Shreyas Talpade in prominent roles.
In ‘Chandramukhi 2’ Kangana will portray the role of a dancer in the king’s court, known for her beauty and dance skills.
Take a look at Kangana Ranaut’s Instagram Post