On Wednesday Kangana Ranaut reacted sharply after release date of her directorial ‘Emergency’ clashed with Tiger Shroff and Amitabh Bachchan starrer ‘Ganapath’ and Bhusan Kumar’s ‘Yaariyan 2’. Kangana’s reaction came after Tiger Shroff dropped the teaser of his film ‘Ganapath’ on Wednesday. In the first tweet, Kangana mentioned, “When I was looking for a date for Emergency release I saw this year movie calendar is pretty much free, probably because of setbacks Hindi
industry is having, based on my post-production timelines I zeroed down on 20th October, with in a week T series owner Bhushan Kumar (cont)”.
In a second tweet, the ‘Queen’ actor continued, “Announced his film on 20th October, entire October is free so is November, December and even September but today Mr Amitabh Bachchan and Tiger Shroff announced their ambitious project on 20th October, ha ha lagta hai panic meetings ho rahi hai Bollywood mafia gangs mein.”
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