MUMBAI: A day before the release of the trailer of Thalaivi, Kangana Ranaut on Monday piqued the curiosity of her fans by dropping an intriguing teaser from the biographical-drama. The actress took to Twitter and shared a teaser that chronicles the life of Tamil Nadu’s actor-turned-politician J. Jayalalithaa. The thirty-second teaser shows Kangana as Jayalalithaa in her younger days when she was an actor, who then transforms into a superstar and a successful politician.
The video has a voice-over that narrates the story of the former Tamil Nadu CM, it says, “ They said junior artists’ daughter will become a junior artist, and I became a heroine. They cut my roles in films and said you are nothing without Jr NTR, but the audience made me a superstar. They were never aware that Jaya, will come out of film politics and will run the politics. The men said a lot, but the one who listened to her heart, I am Jaya.”
Ranaut will release the trailer of Thalaivi on 23 March, which also marks the actor’s birthday. The trailer of the biopic will be launched in two cities on the same day – Chennai and Mumbai. The film is set to release worldwide in Hindi, Tamil and Telegu by Zee Studios on 23 April 2021.
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