MUMBAI: Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday reminisced about her debut film ‘Gangster’ and celebrated 15 years in the industry. She also penned down a note in which she chronicled her ‘success story’ in these years. The ‘Queen’ actor took to Instagram and posted her then and now pictures donning a red dress. The then pictures see a younger Kangana with curly hair and a smiling face when she made her debut in Bollywood, the second picture sees a glammed-up star who donned a straight face with serious expressions as she poses for the lens.

She penned down journey of her 15 years in essence, and wrote, “15 years ago Gangster released today, Shahrukh Khan ji and mine are the biggest success stories ever but SRK was from Delhi, convent educated and his parents were involved in films, I did not know a single word of English, no education, came from a remote village of HP” “Every step was a battle starting with my own father and grandfather, who made my life miserable, and yet 15 years later after so much success still every day is a fight for survival but totally worth it, thank you everyone,” she added.

Ranaut also used the hashtag ‘#15yearsofgangster’ Released in the year 2006, the Kangana Ranaut starrer romantic thriller helmed by Anurag Basu also features Emraan Hashmi and Shiney Ahuja in pivotal roles.

Kangana’s project ‘Thalaivi’ which was slated to get a theatrical release on April 23, this year got postponed due to the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. 


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