Almost two weeks after wrapping up the shoot for her upcoming film Thalaivi, actress Kangana Ranaut on Monday kick-started the workshops for her patriotic film Tejas. She took to her social media profiles and posted a short video of herself seated in a meeting hall with the film director Sarvesh Mewara and Wing Commander Abhijeet Gokhale. “Today team #Tejas started workshops, very pleased to start work with super talented director Sarvesh Mewara and our coach Wing Commander Abhijeet Gokhale,” she tweeted along with the video.
The film is scheduled to go on the floors in December this year. Kangana is all set to portray the role of an Air Force pilot. The Indian Air Force was the first of the country’s defence forces to induct women into combat roles in 2016. Helmed by Sarvesh Mewara and bankrolled by Ronnie Screwvala, the film is scheduled to release in April 2021.