Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra participated in the 108 Kund Shri Ramcharitmanas Mahayagya in Bikaner on Sunday. After that, he also listened to the Ramkatha from Swami Shri Ram Bhadracharya.
The Governor said that the Ramkatha is the light of life. Referring to Swami Shri Ram Bhadracharya as a great saint, he mentioned that when he explains the Ramkatha in his own words, it feels like nectar flowing. Describing Swami Ram Bhadracharya as the sage of this era and a connoisseur of the Ramkatha, he appreciated his meditation and sacrifice.
The Governor listened attentively to the Ramkatha for about an hour. Before that, he also discussed spiritualism and Indian culture with Swami Shri Ram Bhadracharya.