The Jansamvad segment of the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra reached Ambedkar Bhawan in Kalka on Friday, where the residents, along with other joyful individuals, warmly welcomed the Yatra. Latika Sharma, the former MLA of Kalka and treasurer of Rashtriya Mahila Morcha, graced the event as the chief guest.
In her address, Latika Sharma lauded Swami Vivekananda as a source of inspiration for all and extended congratulations on his birth anniversary. She highlighted the initiatives undertaken during the Viksit Bharat Yatra, where various departments have set up stalls to offer benefits such as Family Identity Cards, BPL Cards, Aadhar Cards, Ujjwala Yojana, Self-Employment opportunities, and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandan Yojana.
Sharma emphasized that students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds now have a 10 percent reservation in higher education. Additionally, provisions have been made to provide free books, uniforms, and stationery to students from impoverished families until class 12th.
Under the Ambedkar Meritorious Students Revised Scheme, the government is awarding an annual scholarship of up to Rs 12,000 to Scheduled Caste and Backward Class students. The Post Matric Scholarship Scheme is providing an annual scholarship of up to Rs 13,500.
During the event, Latika Sharma personally handed out certificates to beneficiaries of various welfare schemes, including PM Vandan Yojana, Old Age Honor Allowance, and Healthy Child Competition. Prior to this, she inspected departmental stalls, gathering information about the facilities being provided to the public. Sharma also distributed certificates to scheme beneficiaries and led those present in taking an oath for a developed India.
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