Kali Charan Saraf, the MLA from Malviya Nagar, has been appointed as the pro-tem speaker for the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly. The swearing-in ceremony took place on Monday evening at the Raj Bhavan, where Governor Kalraj Mishra administered the oath. In addition, the Governor has formed a three-member panel to assist him, consisting of senior MLAs Dayaram Parmar, Pratap Singh Singhvi, and Dr. Kirori Lal Meena. The pro-tem speaker will administer the oath to the newly elected members.
It’s worth noting that the appointment of a pro tem speaker is temporary and lasts until the Legislative Assembly elects its permanent Speaker. The pro-tem speaker facilitates the oath-taking ceremony for the newly elected members, and the entire process is overseen by them until all members have taken the oath. Until every member takes the oath, they are not considered part of the Assembly. In this context, the oath is first administered to the newly elected members. After the oath ceremony, the members then proceed to elect the Speaker.
A panel of ten names was sent based on the most experienced individuals, as prioritized by the Vidhan Sabha Secretary Mahavir Prasad Sharma. Among these, the name of the most experienced MLA, Kali Charan Saraf, was at the top. Following him, the names included Dayaram Parmar, Ashok Gehlot, Vasundhara Raje, Shravan Kumar, Pratap Singh Singhvi, Rajendra Pareek, Vasudev Devnani, Pushpendra Rana, etc. Governor Kalraj Mishra has officially approved the appointment of Kali Charan Saraf.
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