Judy Belushi-Pisano, the widow of iconic comedian John Belushi, has died at the age of 73. The Belushi and Pisano families shared the sad news on Facebook via John Belushi’s profile. They praised Judy for her creative work and commitment, especially her role in co-creating The Blues Brothers with Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi. They promised to continue her efforts to keep John’s legacy and The Blues Brothers alive.

Judy was born on January 7, 1952, in Wheaton, Illinois. She met John Belushi in high school at Wheaton Central High School. In 1973, they moved to New York, where they both joined National Lampoon. Judy started as an art assistant and later became an associate producer for “The National Lampoon Radio Hour.” The couple married in 1976, and John passed away in 1982 due to an overdose at the age of 36.

Judy Belushi-Pisano was instrumental in her husband John Belushi’s career, contributing to hit comedies like “The Blues Brothers” and “National Lampoon’s Animal House.” Following John’s death in 1982, she focused on keeping his memory alive by writing his biography and participating in the 2020 Showtime documentary “John Belushi.”

Judy later married Victor Pisano, a writer and producer. The couple owned the Belushi Pisano Gallery in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, and helped manage The Official Blues Brothers Revival with Dan Aykroyd. Her family described Judy as a loving and genuine person who made everyone feel valued.