The BJP National President, Jagat Prakash Nadda, is set to embark on a two-day tour of Haryana on January 4 and January 6. During this visit, Nadda will engage with party workers in Panchkula and lead an extensive road show. BJP District President Ajay Sharma confirmed that all arrangements for the programs and the National President’s welcome in Panchkula have been finalized.
Sharma shared that, under the leadership of Haryana Assembly Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta, party workers will meet Nadda at the PWD Rest House on Thursday at 4.30 pm. Nadda is expected to boost the workers’ morale for the upcoming 2024 elections and provide them with a winning strategy. Sharma emphasized the organizational significance of Nadda’s visit.
On January 6, when Nadda arrives in Panchkula, he will receive a grand welcome at the Housing Board. Following the welcome, a substantial road show, led by Nadda, will commence at 4.30 pm. This road show is anticipated to be extensive, with the participation of thousands of party workers and the general public. Party flags will be carried by workers on bikes and cars during the road show. Sharma highlighted that the road show’s route will traverse through various sectors, including Sector-7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, concluding at the PWD Auditorium.
There, Nadda is expected to encourage workers and officials to strengthen the organization further and secure a resounding victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. The two-day visit by Nadda is deemed highly significant for Haryana BJP, generating excitement and enthusiasm among party workers in anticipation of his arrival in Panchkula.