During the trailer launch for his upcoming film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, a reporter questioned Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal about whether he would divorce his darling wife Katrina Kaif if he found a better actress. Initially left speechless by the question, Vicky simply laughed and said, “”Sir shaam ko ghar bhi jana hai. Aise aise tade mein sawal puch karhe ho, bacha hu abhi bada toh hone do. Kaise jawab do iska mai. Itna khatarnak sawal pucha hai.” The actor added he would remain married to Katrina for many lifetimes together. “Janmo janmo tak.”
For those unaware, the actor tied the knot with B-town diva Katrina Kaif on December 9, 2021, at Six Senses Resort, Fort Barwara in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan.
Currently busy with the promotions of his upcoming rom-com Zara Hatke Zara Bachke with Sara Ali Khan, Vicky Kaushal has several projects in his kitty. As of now, the actor has completed filming Anand Tiwari’s Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam alongside Tripti Dimri and Vijay Acharya’s family film The Great Indian Family. Apart from this, he will also be seen in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki and in a biopic titled Sam Bahadur.