The Jammu and Kashmir government announced on Saturday the dismissal of four employees under Article 311 of the Constitution of India for their involvement in anti-national activities. The dismissed employees include two constables from the Police Department, a teacher from the Education Department, and an assistant lineman from the Jal Shakti Department.

An official spokesman revealed in a statement that the dismissed employees had come under the scrutiny of law enforcement and intelligence agencies due to their involvement in activities deemed prejudicial to the interests of the state, including terror-related activities.
Abdul Rehman Dar, a Selection Grade Constable in the Police Department and resident of Larmooh, Tral, Pulwama, was implicated in carrying illegal arms and ammunition for delivery to terrorists. He also provided camouflage uniforms and other materials to them, exploiting his position within the police force.

Ghulam Rasool Bhat, another constable in the J&K Police and resident of Lalgam, Tral, Pulwama, was similarly found transporting illegal arms and ammunition to terrorists. As a Kote NCO in the district armoury, he had been supplying ammunition and weapons to terrorists for an extended period. Bhat was linked to a terrorist network through overground workers (OGWs) operating under the directives of Pakistan-based terrorist outfits.

Shabeer Ahmad Wani, a teacher in the Education Department and resident of Bungam, Damhal Hanjipora, Kulgam, was identified as an active member of Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), a proscribed separatist organization with links to terrorist groups. Wani played a significant role in strengthening JeI, creating a network of sympathizers, and was directly involved in inciting riots and violence during the 2016 unrest. He continued to function as a hardcore OGW for banned terror outfits, particularly Hizbul Mujahideen, facilitating terrorist activities and gathering information for attacks.

Anayatullah Shah Pirzada, an assistant lineman in the Jal Shakti Department and resident of Watergam, Rafiabad, Baramulla, was associated with the Al-Badr Mujahideen, a banned terrorist outfit. He was involved with commanders Yousuf Baloch and Tameem and had been implicated in multiple FIRs related to the recovery of satellite phones, hand grenades, and communications with Al-Badr Mujahideen terrorists based in Pakistan.

The spokesman emphasized the government’s zero-tolerance policy towards anti-national elements within government services, reaffirming the commitment to national security.
These dismissals underscore the government’s stringent actions against individuals found compromising the state’s security and the ongoing efforts to eliminate terrorism from the region.